Storytime | Sleepy Sheepy and the Sheepover

Storytime | Sleepy Sheepy and the Sheepover
Sun, Apr 21, 2024
April 21st at 11:30AM ET 17th Street Location

What Happens When Sleepy Sheepy isn't So Sleepy After All?

Meet us over at our 17th St store to enjoy a storytime featuring LUCY RUTH CUMMINS for her newest picture book, Sleepy Sheepy and the Sheepover! This sweet tale features an out-of-sorts little Sleepy Sheepy, because *gasp!* he's not sleepy! However will he survive his very first sheepover?

In Sleepy Sheepy and the Sheepover it's time for Sleepy Sheepy's very first sheepover! But when it's time for bed, Sleepy Sheepy CANNOT SLEEPY! You see, his blankets scratch, and his pj's don't match! Sleepy Sheepy... misses his home! Will Grammy and Grampy ever get their favorite little sheep to sleep?

Sunday, April 21st at 11:30AM ET at Our 17th St Store!

For all Books of Wonder events, we expect all participants to maintain a family friendly atmosphere, inclusive of respect and fairness. Anyone who violates this standard of behavior, including engaging in any form of harassment, inappropriate language, or disruptive conduct, will, at our discretion, be immediately removed.


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