Picture Books With Heart!

Picture Books With Heart!

July 2nd at 1PM

Sweet Titles Perfect for Sharing!

From a little girl that learns the true value of family, to a baby dinosaur that makes an unlikely friend, these tales are sure to make you and your young readers smile!

Join us to discover: 

  • Only for a Little While by GABRIELA OROZCO BELT. When Maribel's family has to move in with family because Papi lost his job, Maribel and her sister feel unsettled. It’s not always easy sharing a room or being in a house full of loud cousins, but Papi reminds the girls that it’s only por un ratito — just for a little while. In the meantime, there is always someone to play with, the mealtimes are filled with music and laughter, bedtime is for snuggling in tight. Maribel realizes that maybe being there por un ratito isn’t so bad after all.

  • Penny and Pip by CANDACE FLEMING and ERIC ROHMANN. When Penny finds a lost dinosaur baby roaming the halls of a museum while on a class field trip, she can't believe it! Penny might be only five, but she knows dinosaurs are extinct. And yet, one seems to be following her! She realizes he must be on his own, so the only thing to do is to feed him some snacks and take him home with her… if she can figure out how.

Sunday, July 2nd at 1PM via Crowdcast!

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