March Picture Book Bonanza

March Picture Book Bonanza
Sat, Mar 30, 2024
March 30th at 1PM ET 17th Street Location

 Sweet New Stories to Share!

With touching tales and messages of kindness, these stories are sure to warm the hearts of your and your young readers!

Join us in store to discover:

  • Sticks vs. Stones by ROSANNE L KURSTEDTSticks or stones? When best friends George and Georgina disagree over which is better, their argument escalates until two new friends show them a better way. As they argue, George and Georgina build grander and grander structures, resulting in delightfully whimsical depictions of castles and thrones built from sticks and stones. 

  • Rumi  Poet of Joy and Love by RASHIN KHEIRIYEHEven the greatest poet was once a child. And so it was with Rumi. When he was young he was enchanted by birds and books. He later became a scholar, but it was the loss of his best friend, Shams, that inspired Rumi to his most important realization: Love is in us and everywhere.

  • Disagreement by NANI BRUNINIDisagreement is a visual narrative of an argument that spins out of control, turning into a shouting match where the only effort being made is to be the loudest. The argument consumes those involved, but they eventually escape the chaos through creativity, and it leads to understanding!

  • Henry and the Something New illustrated by MIKA SONG. It’s Field Trip Day! Henry's class is excited to visit the museum, but Henry's not so sure. The museum means maybe seeing dinosaurs, Henry's favorite. But it also means a lot of things that are new: a noisy school bus ride, a building full of echoes and hallways, and plenty of chances to get lost! Will he find something that makes all of this new worth the trip? 

Saturday, March 30th at 1PM ET at Our 17th St Store!

For all Books of Wonder events, we expect all participants to maintain a family friendly atmosphere, inclusive of respect and fairness. Anyone who violates this standard of behavior, including engaging in any form of harassment, inappropriate language, or disruptive conduct, will, at our discretion, be immediately removed.


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