Carrying On: Picture Books About Facing Challenges

Carrying On: Picture Books About Facing Challenges
Thu, Mar 31, 2022
March 31st, 6:00pm EST Virtual

One of the most wonderful things about picture books is how they can help young readers and listeners grow and face all the challenges that might come their way. In this event, Books of Wonder is highlighting several newly released picture books that are perfect for your young readers' social and emotional learning. 

In Still Mine, gentle, colorful illustrations and heartfelt text assures readers that the people they love stay in their hearts no matter what, even in the smallest of everyday actions. 

In The Rhino Suit, a sensitive young girl struggles with how deeply she feels connected to the world around her. All of the beauty and all of the pain in the world feels overwhelming to her, and sometimes she wishes she could just shut off her feelings entirely. But, she realizes, shutting off her feelings means shutting out the beauty along with the pain - and it keeps her from being able to help people in need. 

Both of these books are beautiful and moving, and the perfect read for helping guide young readers through their feelings.

Don't miss this opportunity to meet COLTER JACKSON, the author/illustrator of The Rhino Suit, and JAYNE PILLEMER & SHERYL MURRAY, the author and illustrator of Still Mine!

Thursday, March 31st at 6:00pm via Crowdcast

For all Books of Wonder events, we expect all participants to maintain a family friendly atmosphere, inclusive of respect and fairness. Anyone who violates this standard of behavior, including engaging in any form of harassment, inappropriate language, or disruptive conduct, will, at our discretion, be immediately removed.


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