August Picture Book Bonanza!

August Picture Book Bonanza!
Sun, Aug 14, 2022
Sunday, August 14th, 1:00PM EST Virtual

Lively Picture Books for Read-Alouds!

These fun-filled picture books bring readers stories about cats who get the best of their human families, the wonders of going to school — and so much more!

Get ready for lots of picture book fun with JOHN SCHU, HUDSON TALBOTT, and ELLIE PETERSON as they share their newest creations and answer questions from the audience during our Books of Wonder virtual event! 
  • Explore This is a School by JOHN SCHU. The author will join us to talk about this moving celebration of schooltime! From work and play to creativity and trust, this picture book will make every young reader and listener excited for their own school journey.
  • Discover the joys of learning in your young reader's day-to-day with School Is Wherever I Am, by ELLIE PETERSON. Find out how pumpkin farms, bubble baths, and even the view out of your reader's school bus window are filled with the magic of "a-ha" moments! 

    Sunday, August 14th at 1:00PM EST via Crowdcast!




    For all Books of Wonder events, we expect all participants to maintain a family friendly atmosphere, inclusive of respect and fairness. Anyone who violates this standard of behavior, including engaging in any form of harassment, inappropriate language, or disruptive conduct, will, at our discretion, be immediately removed.


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