Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity

Knuffle Bunny


Author: Mo Willems

Illustrator: Mo Willems

Also Available In:
Audio $13.99

Trixie is excited to bring her beloved Knuffle Bunny for show-and-tell. She knows they’ll love her special, one-of-a-kind toy. Then disaster strikes! Trixie’s classmate, Sonja, has the same bunny! As Trixie and Sonja argue over their dolls, their teacher intervenes, placing both bunnies out of reach. When school ends and the bunnies are returned, Trixie’s day begins to improve. But that night, Trixie makes a horrifying discovery – she has the wrong bunny! As she seeks her parent’s help, the phone rings. A voice on the other end says, “We have your bunny.” It’s Sonja’s father. An exchange is made, the Knuffle Bunnies are back where they belong, and Trixie and Sonja become new best friends. Your young readers and listeners will be laughing aloud at this riotous mix-up, even as they identify with Trixie’s rollercoaster of emotions as she goes from anticipation to jealousy, from fear to joyous reunion.