New & Classic
PLEASE NOTE: While we have ordered ample quantities of these titles from the publishers, and have already received some via the magic of next-day delivery, our current supply is limited and some titles may be delayed due to the demand created by their recently being honored with these awards. As a result, there may be a delay in shipping while we await copies from the publisher, who — in turn — may have to go back to press. Please be assured that orders will be fulfilled in the order that we receive them. Please allow at least 2-3 weeks from when you place your order till you order may ship.
In this clever introduction to prepositions, a near-sighted Papa is looking for his baby. Is Baby up in the tree? Is Baby under the log? Is Baby around the corner? Where could Baby be?
Readers will delight in spotting the little fox on every page as Papa wanders the forest, encountering other animals all along the way, but never quite able to spot his own baby. Anne Hunter’s delicate and lovely illustrations with their limited palette highlight the humor of this adorable hide-and-seek tale.