Corduroy (Spanish Edition - en Español)
Author: Don Freeman
Illustrator: Don Freeman
Corduroy, la historia original y favorita de todos en un libro de cartón en español.
El cuento clásico de Corduroy estará más cerca de los pequeños lectores con la introducción de una nueva edición en español en nuestra próxima línea de libros de cartón de Corduroy.
Corduroy has been on the department store shelf for a long time. Yet as soon as Lisa sees him, she knows that he’s the bear for her. Her mother, though, thinks he’s a little shopworn—he’s even missing a button! Still, Corduroy knows that with a bit of work he can tidy himself up and be just the bear for Lisa. And where better to start than with a nighttime adventure through the department store, searching for a new button!