Cat & Cat Adventures: Journey into Unibear City (Paperback)
Cat & Cat Advenures
Author: Susie Yi
Illustrator: Susie Yi
Follow the antics of Squash and Ginny in the third installment of Cat & Cat Adventures from popular webcomic creator Susie Yi! This chapter book graphic novel series from Susie Yi is perfect for fans of Catstronauts, Babymouse, and Catwad.
Cats, magical portals, and snacks, oh my!
Best friends Squash & Ginny are back at it again in this Cat & Cat Adventure! This time, Squash and Ginny are on a brand-new mission to investigate a mysterious slime running rampant through the forest. Whatever this slime is, it’s messing with the forest’s magic and must be stopped! Clues lead Squash and Ginny to places old and new—like the Mewmaid Ocean and Bum Bum Bog—and eventually, Unibear City, where they finally get to the bottom of this suspenseful eco-mystery!