2007 Newbery Medal Winner! Ten-year-old Lucky lives in Hard Pan, California, a former mining town whose tiny population of 43 are mostly unemployed and enrolled in various 12-step programs. Lucky, who lives with her dog, HMS Beagle, and her guardian, Brigitte, plans to be a world-famous scientist someday, but right now she needs to figure out how to keep Brigitte from moving back to France. By eavesdropping on the 12-step programs, Lucky has learned that when you hit rock-bottom, you’ll find a Higher Power and get everything set right, so she figures if she can find her own Higher Power, it’ll keep Brigitte from leaving her. But if all else fails, she’s prepared to run away into the California desert force Brigitte to come look for her. Quirky humor sits side-by-side with steadfast resolve, as this bright young heroine struggles to deal with the problems of growing up and her fear of being abandoned. Your young readers will admire Lucky’s determination and pluck as she struggles to hold on to family and home, even as she’s learning what they really mean. Ages 10 and up. 134pp.
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