New & Classic
Author: Dhonielle Clayton
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Having narrowly escaped the royal court, Camellia is in hiding. Where she once used her gifts to make people beautiful, she now has only one goal — taking down Princess Sophia. But to dethrone her she must find Charlotte, the princess’s older sister and rightful heir. A task made harder because Camellia is the most-wanted Belle in the land. Hunted from all sides and unable to show her face, Camellia meets the Iron Ladies, a group of rebels who’ve thrown off Orleans’s unrealistic standards of beauty. With their help, Camellia hopes to take down Sophia. But can she trust these new allies? Your teens will be dazzled as they return to the fantastic kingdom of Orleans, where beauty is treasured above all, and where one Belle might be the only person able to thwart a tyrannical new queen.