17th Street Store
Brian Selznick's debut YA novel!
Books of Wonder is proud to be hosting the NYC stop for the launch of award-winning creator BRIAN SELZNICK's debut young adult novel Run Away With Me! This book is a stunning creation from a phenomenal talent, weaving words and illustration to tell the story of a transformative love over the course of one Roman summer. If you and your young readers are yearning for wondrous romance, then look no further!
About the Book
"I'm going to call you Danny. What are you going to name me?"
Danny is spending his sixteenth summer in Rome. As his mother spends her days at work in a mysterious museum, Danny wanders the ancient sites and streets. Soon after his arrival, he encounters a shadow... who becomes a voice... who becomes a boy his age. Angelo.
Soon Danny and Angelo are spending as much time as they can together, piecing together stories of the city while only gradually sharing their own histories. Attraction leads to affection, and affection leads to both an intimate closeness and a profound fear of what happens next. Danny has never really had a home, or known the love of another boy. Angelo seems to have more experience... but he also has secrets just out of Danny’s reach.
Tuesday, April 8th at 6pm ET at Our 17th St Store!