17th Street Location
Join Books of Wonder for the Exciting NYC Launch of Global, Eoin Colfer and Andrew Donkin's Newest Graphic Novel!
From the team that created the bestselling, acclaimed graphic novel Illegal! Global tells the story of two young people, Sami & Yuki, living on different continents, whose lives are impacted by the effects of climate change.
Twelve-year-old Sami lives with his grandfather in a village along the Bay of Benghal in the Indian Ocean. It’s a beautiful place, but life is challenging. The ocean is rising and each day they go fishing, but bring back fewer and fewer fish.
Meanwhile, Yuki is fourteen and lives with her mother along Baffin Bay, 85 miles inside the Arctic Circle. As the ice is melting, the polar bears are finding less food to hunt and are wandering into town looking for food. Yuki knows she must do something to help the bears.
The stories of these two children, separated by thousands of miles, mirror each other with beautiful unity across the planet, as they strive to protect their homes from the encroaching damage of climate change.
Monday, April 24th at 6PM EST at Our 17th St Location!
Join us for this special in-store launch event to receive an event-exclusive signed art print!

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