March Picture Books to Treasure

March Picture Books to Treasure
Sun, Mar 24, 2024
March 24th at 4PM ET 17th Street Location

Precious Stories Meant to be Shared!

These sweet stories are full of warmth and heart, and are perfect for storytimes and beyond!

Join us in-store for:

  • The Blue Pickup by NATASHA TRIPPLETT. Ju-Girl’s favorite days are the ones spent with Granddad in his garage, fixing cars and hearing stories about his old blue pickup. While the blue pickup is the center of great memories, it now just sits in the driveway. One day, Ju-Girl asks Granddad if he’d ever fix it, and the pair soon finds out just what it takes to restore the memory of the blue pickup and to create new stories along the way. 

  • Only: The Bird Who Liked Being Alone by AIRLIE ANDERSONOnly likes quiet time, and they definitely like being alone. All the other birds are too loud and too rough! Only decides to create a peaceful space that's just for them, but when a friend shows up wanting to try some quiet time too, the two birds must figure out a way to be sure no one feels left out.

  • The Fish of Small Wishes by ELANA K. ARNOLD. One day when Kiki rescues a fish from drying out, she discovers that it is a small wish-granting fish! Her wishes for more friends and to be less shy may be too big for the fish to grant, but with it quickly growing in size, she decides to make him a home in her backyard. When she gets the neighborhood involved, her wishes might just come true after all...

  • Rhythm by JACKIE AZÚA KRAMERIn a town once vibrant but now affected by unemployment and food insecurity, one girl watches the seasons go by. Through it all one tree is her steady, generous friend. From acorns and dried leaves, to views of the sky and stars, the tree brings her gifts each season!

  • Penelope Rex and the Problem with Pets by RYAN T. HIGGINS. Penelope wasn’t sure she even wanted a pet when Mittens came into her life. But now that he’s here, she is determined to make the best of it. Pets, however — especially ones that are six hundred pounds with six-inch-long teeth — can cause very big, very messy problems.

Sunday, March 24th at 4PM ET at Our 17th St Store!

For all Books of Wonder events, we expect all participants to maintain a family friendly atmosphere, inclusive of respect and fairness. Anyone who violates this standard of behavior, including engaging in any form of harassment, inappropriate language, or disruptive conduct, will, at our discretion, be immediately removed.


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