Lights! Camera! Chickens? Books of Wonder is proud to present our first ever event devoted solely to books starring chickens! Our fine feathered friends are the centerpieces of both DAVID EZRA STEIN and ADAM RUBIN'S new books, Interrupting Chicken: Cookies for Breakfast, and Gladys the Magic Chicken. Readers of all ages will adore these stories of two very determined hens. Join Books of Wonder in welcoming DAVID EZRA STEIN and ADAM RUBIN on Saturday October 23rd via Crowdcast.
Whether you like your chickens full of rhyming energy or quietly determined, Books of Wonder has you covered! Join DAVID EZRA STEIN and ADAM RUBIN as they share their new books, Interrupting Chicken: Cookies for Breakfast, and Gladys the Magic Chicken. Readers of all ages will adore both of these fun and fowl tales. Don't miss our first ever Chicken Book Saturday with DAVID EZRA STEIN and ADAM RUB, on Saturday October 23rd at 1:00pm via Crowdcast.
For all Books of Wonder events, we expect all participants to maintain a family friendly atmosphere, inclusive of respect and fairness. Anyone who violates this standard of behavior, including engaging in any form of harassment, inappropriate language, or disruptive conduct, will, at our discretion, be immediately removed.